Enginerve : Bikes

10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% pain…a 100% reason to remember the name

Tag: Fitness

  • Biking Restores Brain Connectivity in Parkinson’s



    From TheAtlantic It just makes me think this morning about why I cycle, not merely to prevent or cure issues, but just to notice the connectedness of it all. Pay attention out there. Patients pushed hardest showed the most improvement. James D. Schwartz / Flickr PROBLEM: It’s commonly known that Parkinson’s Disease is a chronic,…

  • Principles of Natural Running

    I was watching this before going out for a run today.  Interesting to think about.

  • The Scenic Route to a Longer Life

    The secret is wonderfully simple. Just enjoy yourself. Of course, if you are unhappy and all of your energy is expended on something you don’t enjoy or something that ultimately creates more stress than pleasure, your immune system is going to suffer. The power with which your body can fight off illness is directly related…

  • Simple Rules for Better Sleep

    Yes, I am watching the Tour de France and caught myself wondering when various riders were describing how they slept more to recover from crashes how one gets this kind of sleep.  I am still learning, but I did run across the article Simple Rules for Better Sleep from the NYTimes.  And while they explain…

  • Injury Report: What Am I Supposed To Do?

    Injured my calf in January and now find myself with the injury coming and going having to sit for an extended period of time.  Off the bike as it seems to tighten the calf and then it injures itself running.  After all these years of doing both, it seems odd that I finally am bitten…

  • Reprint: The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Barefoot Running

    This is a reprint of a post written by Leo Babauta on ZenHabits. Read the full post and honor the original author @ http://zenhabits.net/barefoot-running/.  I just keep finding the really great articles missing later. Leo says  “When I first heard about barefoot running, several years ago, I was skeptical — don’t we need cushion to…

  • Feiyue Perhaps Instead of Five Fingers



    Kevin Kelly of Cool Tools suggests Shaolin-style barefoot shoes instead of Five Fingers, read why below.  Better yet, ignore this repost and read Cool Tools, that is a great blog! Feiyue From KK Why do I prefer Feiyue to thepreviously reviewed Vibram FiveFingers shoes? Price is half of the benefit. Another 30% of the benefit…