Enginerve : Bikes

10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% pain…a 100% reason to remember the name

Author: John

  • Move Redmond Bike Map




  • New Bike Day



    Last Thursday I drove into the Big City and picked up my new eBike. I am selling the Fat Tire bike, my RadRover 5. I was super happy and had the biggest smile every time I rode that bike. The new bike has been extremely exciting and I haven’t figured out all the options on…

  • Thumbs

    The weather dropped down into single digits and I stopped riding when it went below freezing as there is seepage from hills which means ice in the bike commute lanes. The day before the temps dipped, I rode and am here to report that if you don’t pay attention to the angle you place your…

  • I think I have fixed the bar tape exposing the handlebar situation



    I don’t precisely remember when I completed my job replacing bar tape on handlebars. I think it was most likely putting tape on the Atlantis. Although it could well have been on the Tourmalet. I learned to put tape on much the way I pulled it off. It worked about as well as the original…

  • Oiling Your Bike Chain



    Is this a tell all about all the products including wax for lubing your chain and related moving parts like your rear derailleur? No, it is most definitely not. I did go and actually lube my bike chain (no idea if the following picture was before or after the chain being lubed) The important part…

  • Anticipating a Ride



    April and Ella know when it is time for a walk and in no small part due to putting on shoes. And that was me yesterday getting the new eBike, a RadRover5, ready for its one week celebration. I was in the garage and getting ready to put the bike on the car and test…

  • 2021 Starting With The Bike



    TWO months since the Wolverine was out and FOUR months since the Atlantis was out of the garage. Today I left myself a note that I needed to dig through all the boxes and containers and find my winter kit. I wanted to ride, but I am not riding, and I had nowhere in particular…