Enginerve : Bikes

10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% pain…a 100% reason to remember the name

  • Looks so familiar when you live in Portland!  They could have added extra features like wet paint safety markings and gates, oh, and yellow bumps of destruction, oh and ….

  • I am intrigued by the idea of dealing with the weather on an electric bicycle and this one does pretty well with that.  Neat that it may well come in a kit form!

    Published on Apr 2, 2016

    Demo of my bicycle car PodRide with speaker text
    Help to support my projects on Indego

  • From a recent article on the NYTimes

    The aging effect is inevitable, and now runners can even track what to expect. It is as if there was a time clock for aging, and unlike nonrunners — who have only things like wrinkles and gray hair to go by — runners have an exact schedule that will predict how their performance will decline.

    That schedule is on the website of Ray Fair, a professor in the economics department at Yale, who was inspired to find the patterns of slowdowns when his own running performance began to decline. The result is a table. You can put in your best time ever for an event, say a 10-kilometer race, and how old you were when you ran it. The table then shows how fast you could have run it when you were younger and how fast you should be able to run it now and as you grow even older.

  • And while this is very interesting, I do wonder about the rake implications and how I can determine bike handling characteristics based on it.  I will ponder that and look for a mathematical answer, perhaps from differential geometry.

    Mathematical Impressions: Bicycle Tracks

    A nice mathematical puzzle, with a solution anyone can understand, is to determine the direction a bicycle went when you come upon its tracks. The answer involves thinking about tangent lines, geometric constraints and the bicycle’s steering mechanism.


  • The key to doing the 10000 steps a day is to be mindful of not running into people or behaving like an idiot. 

    I read this recent NYTimes article on the perils of distracted walkers and while I see the benefits of paying attention, I don’t really get the don’t-run-with-scissors-into-traffic list of absurd warnings at the bottom.  I see too many folks navigate while talking on the phone using a headset to worry as much about them as I do about those who text, or who use their phone to count their steps.  It reads a little like the UK IT police who warn us that kids who study computers beyond the curriculum at school have one of the top warning signs of cyber criminal activity (since withdrawn due to its stupidity, along with the warning about computer books, who are these people). 

    Text While WalkingI do notice I stop when texting, although I wonder, is it to make sure I don’t run into others, or simply buildings or falling into an open manhole cover.