Enginerve : Bikes

10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% pain…a 100% reason to remember the name

Category: Rides

  • Move Redmond Bike Map




  • Oiling Your Bike Chain



    Is this a tell all about all the products including wax for lubing your chain and related moving parts like your rear derailleur? No, it is most definitely not. I did go and actually lube my bike chain (no idea if the following picture was before or after the chain being lubed) The important part…

  • Anticipating a Ride



    April and Ella know when it is time for a walk and in no small part due to putting on shoes. And that was me yesterday getting the new eBike, a RadRover5, ready for its one week celebration. I was in the garage and getting ready to put the bike on the car and test…

  • 2021 Starting With The Bike



    TWO months since the Wolverine was out and FOUR months since the Atlantis was out of the garage. Today I left myself a note that I needed to dig through all the boxes and containers and find my winter kit. I wanted to ride, but I am not riding, and I had nowhere in particular…

  • T-Rex Strava Art in PDX



    That was just fun to look at…and the GPS Track from Ride with GPS

  • PDX StravArt



    Peter created this route and with the COVID-19 virus “Stay Home” in place the roads were clear enough to be save on a few places that are usually EXTREMELY DANGEROUS, today I just sprinted the heck out of them while lights were holding cars back so it was safe enough for an Urban Commuter experienced…

  • Ramble to The Arrow Coffeehouse



    Today’s Ride was a Ramble to The Arrow Coffeehouse where I was able to purchase a coffee and baked good off their site and have them set on the front porch while all of us stayed 10 feet away from the porch and each other. So nice they are trying to make it. Give them…