Tag: Danny MacAskill
Danny MacAskill – Epecuén – 2014
Published on May 28, 2014 CLICK to explore the town of Epecuén with Danny:http://bit.ly/1oHb7JK Watch as Danny MacAskill brings a forgotten city back to life with his latest street trials film. Following on from 2013’s mind-blowing ‘MacAskill’s Imaginate’, Epecuén is the latest film from Danny MacAskill. Directed by long time collaborator Dave Sowerby, we’ll see…
Danny MacAskill vs. San Francisco HD
Danny MacAskill spent several months riding the streets of Edinburgh, Scotland in 2009, demonstrating his unique set of talents on the mountain bike. It was all captured in a video called Inspired Bicycles. Did you catch it? If so, you’re not alone. The video has clocked more than 31 million views. Now, Danny is back,…