Enginerve : Bikes

10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% pain…a 100% reason to remember the name


  • Online Portland Citywide Bike Map hits Beta



    PBOT came up with an online version of the Portland Citywide Bike Map.  Still a “beta”.  But hey.

  • Help PBOT Count Bikes at Bike Corrals



    The Portland Bureau of Transportation is looking for help from the public to count bicycles parked at the 145 bike parking corrals around the city. If you are out and about and see a bike corral, use this short online form to help us gather information that will be used to plan for future improvements.…

  • Bicycle Shops in Portland



    From PBOT, I was looking up a shop for someone, there is this list   These shops offer bicycle sales and/or service.   If you’d like to learn to repair your bike, check out this link.   For a list of the shops that offer bicycle rentals, check out this link.   To view a…

  • Bicycle Shops in Portland



    From PBOT, I was looking up a shop for someone, there is this list   These shops offer bicycle sales and/or service.   If you’d like to learn to repair your bike, check out this link.   For a list of the shops that offer bicycle rentals, check out this link.   To view a…

  • From PBOT: Best Rides Around Portland



    Portland is a great place to ride for any reason, or no reason at all! See the map for an overview of some enjoyable & scenic recreational bike rides around Portland. Choose the type of ride that suits your preferences, from short & fairly easy (flat) to longer & more demanding (lots of hill climbing).

  • Portland Area Recreational Ride Maps



    The Portland area has lots of great places to ride. These maps help you to find the roads most suitable for your riding style & preferences.