Author: John
2021 Starting With The Bike
TWO months since the Wolverine was out and FOUR months since the Atlantis was out of the garage. Today I left myself a note that I needed to dig through all the boxes and containers and find my winter kit. I wanted to ride, but I am not riding, and I had nowhere in particular…
PDX StravArt
Peter created this route and with the COVID-19 virus “Stay Home” in place the roads were clear enough to be save on a few places that are usually EXTREMELY DANGEROUS, today I just sprinted the heck out of them while lights were holding cars back so it was safe enough for an Urban Commuter experienced…
Ramble to The Arrow Coffeehouse
Today’s Ride was a Ramble to The Arrow Coffeehouse where I was able to purchase a coffee and baked good off their site and have them set on the front porch while all of us stayed 10 feet away from the porch and each other. So nice they are trying to make it. Give them…
Setting Up Shop in the Spare Bedroom
I don’t have a GF at this moment AND I have setup my bike room in what was the spare bedroom. The situation is causal, not causality. BTW, it is hard to think of it as anything except a bike room now. Of course I KNEW that I would eventually be maintaining my bikes here…
Rails to Trails MTB track along Klickitat river. @petebikes suggested that the Salsa Woodsmoke could be overbike; however, I wanted to test frame bag and a few extras. The quad lock slips, but is manageable…the second feedbag is finally useful although I really have to think “Not-for-Nalgene”…the Revelate Tank bag requires constant watching as comes…
Pleased I started, super happy to make the final turn to my porch steps.
I noticed that Western Bike Works has a Sunday ride called Rock Creek Roll Call and thought last Sunday that it would be a decent ride to get me back in the saddle. I knew that after a month off the bike due to illness I really didn’t have the legs or stamina to pull…