Enginerve : Bikes

10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% pain…a 100% reason to remember the name

I Rode and BikeCamped to the Total Eclipse



20988410_439853056408394_2846079083351963729_o20934236_439853109741722_3421731095230972296_o21013795_10154815022056497_1100855949175228412_o20933919_10154814984306497_4383233397619998322_oNASA   Total Solar Eclipse of 2017 Aug 21

And what a day it was. 

NEW:  I did not realize that one sees the light in the shadows of trees between leaves as crescents and that was totally amazing.

EVENT: Riding out was nice, but riding back with long lines of cars and neverending bikes with smiles was awesome.