Enginerve : Bikes

10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% pain…a 100% reason to remember the name

Category: Rides

  • Cycling The Alps



    In honor of the Giro, or indeed any of the European races this season, get over and ride the courses virtually with Cycling The Alps.http://www.cyclingthealps.com/

  • Ronde PDX 2012



    RondePDX This from the Oregonian today.  I guess our little ride is now up for public attention.  I imagine they will have to stop it now.  Oh well, one can ride it whenever one can.  I do. On Sunday, 350 to 450 cyclists will show up forthe annual Ronde PDX.But just ignore them. They’re lunatics.…

  • NYTimes Article: Life is a Wheel



    I read the Sunday NYTimes this morning and this article was in it, or rather a lot of it was.  I recommend buying the paper simply to look at the images and quotes on the two page spread in Travel.  The Internet simply doesn’t capture that, rather, while I love that it allows us to…

  • Randonneuring



    What seems to separate randonneurs from bike-path cruisers is as much mental fortitude as physical stamina. It’s a whole different spirit, The kind of people who do these kinds of things are always in a good mood.

  • Where to Camp By Bike Around Portland



    They are called an S240 ride, Rivendell Bicycles suggests what you might want to bring, around Portland Cycle Wild has a map (see it below) that suggests where around Portland you might want to go.  Portland’s “rideshed” which is “anywhere you can ride a loaded bike on a summer day.” About 75 at the most,…

  • From PBOT: Best Rides Around Portland



    Portland is a great place to ride for any reason, or no reason at all! See the map for an overview of some enjoyable & scenic recreational bike rides around Portland. Choose the type of ride that suits your preferences, from short & fairly easy (flat) to longer & more demanding (lots of hill climbing).

  • Mythbusting the Elevation on Bike Tours



    Gene Bisbee has this to say to do myth-busting comparing the elevation of the RAGBRAI and Ride the Rockies bike tours, take a look at the article to see hardest day comparisons along with average days and enough stats to make everyone happy. From his article: In terms of elevation gain — which should really…