Category: Rides
Interactive Map Tracks Portland Bicycle Maps
Article from KATU PORTLAND, Ore. — Portland cyclists have a new tool to examine the safety record of city streets. A new interactive map from the MIT Media Lab tracks the 1,085 bike crashes that happened in Portland between 2010 and 2013. The numbers show some of the city’s busiest streets are also the ones…
50 Rides of a Lifetime
This is from Bicycling Magazine online. I wonder how many I may do in my lifetime? 1. The Cobbles of Belgium. Cyclists like to suffer, and the mystical mecca for pain—in the form of jaw-rattling pave—has to be Flanders. Follow the narrow roads of the spring Classics, try to summit one of the countlesshellingen (short,…
The Things You Can Do With A Road Bike
Just getting to watch some of the videos I set aside. This one, Road Bike Party 2, woot!